Joseph Boulogne was both an accomplished swordsman and composer. Born just twenty years before Mozart, he played duets with Marie-Antionette and swam the Seine with one hand tied behind his back. ("The Mixed Race Mozart," Telegraph UK)
Image: Henry Angelo's Famous Fencing Academy (watercolor by Rowlandson, 1787): Chevalier St. George's portrait, foils, and fencing shoes are displayed on the right wall. (from
oooh, you have a CATEGORY devoted to Marie Antoinette... mon inspiration!
Posted by: La Dauphine | November 13, 2005 at 04:40 AM
My favorite fecnnig type memory would probably be at the Pig Roast. Mostly because after the fecnnig there was lots of food and games. Anyone that has been to the pig roast knows what I'm talking about. Anyone that hasn't makes me ask the question Why not?
Posted by: Walter | October 29, 2012 at 11:57 PM