Happy Birthday, Jane Birkin (Lux Lotus)
Donate to Unicef and win delicious prizes from local vendors and restaurants (Becks & Posh)
The debate never ends: SF's best burritos (SFist)
The 10 best bookstores in the world (Soft Skull)
Will vlogging be the new blogging? (La Dauphine)
Thanks for the link? But the concensus was no, vlogging has too much potential to be boring! :)
Posted by: La Dauphine | December 14, 2005 at 01:32 PM
Well if she likes pasta you're in luck, and if your close to a Wal-Mart you're in luck. 1) Make her a nice pasta dinner with salad and some fresh Italian bread2) Treat her to a nice back rub3) Set up a pinicc on the beach (If she's a laid back type of girl she likes simple sandwiches with chips and a soda)
Posted by: Kolya | October 29, 2012 at 10:51 PM