BOOKS: So much to share, but no time in which to share it! Hopefully things will slow down later this week and I'll be able post on books #4 and 5 (Branwell and Wide Sargasso Sea) as well as my trip to Los Angeles. I just started Quicksilver (part one of Stephensen's Baroque Series), which I picked up at the Burbank airport and am planning to read Willa Cather's Death Comes for the Archbishop for a top 100 book club.
EVENTS: In the meantime (in the interest of International Relations of course!), I'll be attending the Commonwealth Club discussion with opinionated French author Bernard-Henri Lévy whose latest book American Vertigo has provoked much comment of late. Tomorrow night I'm looking forward to seeing the San Francisco Ballet's Swan Lake and hoping to attend the Em Space dance group's free Performance Extravaganza on Sunday afternoon. They'll be performing an excerpt from the excellent piece New Monster Avenue at 4pm. More on New Monster Avenue (which I saw in October) here. The whole shebang is over at six thirty, which means I'll have plenty of time to get home before Part III of Masterpiece Theatre's Bleak House begins. Speaking of dance, Wednesday night just might find me attending one of Bombshell Betty's burlesquercize classes. Intriguing!