So just maybe you’ve been toying with the idea of reading the sexy new translation of Don Quixote, but the length and scope of the journey seems, oh, a tad daunting. Maybe you’ve even purchased a copy--yet there it sits on your bookshelf, its crimson cover, its very girth taunting you. Or not. Either way, you don’t have to go it alone. Cecil (chivalrous is his middle name) Vortex is willing to lead us on this virtual quest and he is an experienced knight having masterminded three previous deathmarches through Gravity's Rainbow, Pale Fire, and At Swim Two Birds. Don Quixote is almost starting to sound like a mere jousting tournament after those three titles, no? So I'm, um, throwing down the guantlet (sorry, I can't seem to stop): join me here.
From the Archives: The Quest