To Do:
* Read Moby-Dick via Daily Lit. (One of the classics I somehow missed out on while shuffling among school districts)
* Download some "early" Duke Ellington.
* Check library for apocalyptic San Francisco sci-fi novel Pattern Recognition by William Gibson.
To Ponder:
* "If we are condemned to wander an imperfect world, (Clive) James suggests we
have the power to improve our exile incrementally." --Adam Bresnick
* "(James) endorses that it was the English literary and cultural tradition above all that provided a safeguard against the totalizing dreams that turned European history into a nightmare for much of the twentieth century." -- also A.B.
To Research:
* Sara and Gerald Murphy
* Film reviews and commentary by Paula Marantz Cohen after reading her take on Two Days In Paris, which compares Julie Delpy to a Henry James heroine.