I'm looking into all the ways that I work internationally while making contact as seamless as possible for my employers and as inexpensive as possible for myself. While I mainly communicate via email anyway, I'll still need to have other options. I already have an efax account and I'll use skype to make outgoing calls when I'm at home. I'm planning to set up a virtual phone number (that will forward calls to my UK number) and virtual mailing address (that will scan my snail mail and send it to me via email) here in the US. I'm also going to purchase a Blackberry once I arrive in London--from what I understand I should be able to use it in anywhere in the UK and Europe. I'd so appreciate any advice/tips on all this. Thank you!
One of the things that helped me tremendously in Japan was being able to listen to my voicemail via email (thanks to callwave.com), which is free. It made the fact that I was traveling more or less a nonissue in several key instances where I could delegate things to various project contacts or reply by email.
Posted by: Lauren Cerand | October 23, 2007 at 11:23 AM
Great tip, thanks!
Posted by: kim | October 23, 2007 at 07:15 PM